Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Queen: Dinosaur or Dinosauroid?

Dinosauroid QueenIn my post, “Human Rights Can be Funny Too,” I mentioned conspiracy theorist David Icke.

For those who aren’t familiar with Icke’s work, he’s pretty much famous for spreading the idea that the world is being controlled by a secret society called the Illuminati, which he believes is comprised of reptilian-humanoids (a term that can also be substituted with Snakepeople, Reptoids, Lizardfolk, Lizard People, or the lamest of the bunch, Dinosauroids).

Icke claims that George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Hillary Clinton, and Tony Blair are just a few members of this scaly clan.

This sounds crazy, I know. Like something right out of The X-Files. (Actually, I’m pretty sure the overarching plot of the super amazing show that should have never ended was based on this theory.)

But I found this video on, my new go-to for paranormal news, which actually makes the whole Icke-reptoid thing seem more convincing. It talks about the different cultures around the world that believe humans are descended from, and even created by, reptiles.

Strange thing is, the only places that don’t have these beliefs are places where the government and Church have dominated knowledge and understanding. (Oh, so that’s why it sounds so insane!)

As if the evidence against our leaders being human couldn’t be any more damning.

By the by, you can get your own Dinosauroid Queen paraphernalia at Teach the Controversy.


  1. The influence of the illuminati has already started to seep into the public sphere. Didn't you see? The Lizard People got one vote in the recent Minnesota senate race:

    And so it begins... .. .

  2. Of course the world is ruled by alien reptiles. Duh. The entire history of these encounters was shown in the original TV documentary series "V" starring Marc Singer. Makes perfect sense. Wake up sheeple.
